In June 2021, was renamed to
This new branding better aligns with our vision to provide:
Easy to use data tools for everyone
Everything else remains the same (same owner, same tools). We will continue to enhance the service in response to your feedback
Thank you for continuing to stick with us.
In May 2012, we launched and were the first to offer an online JSON to CSV conversion tool to the general public.
Our intelligent conversion engine analyses each incoming JSON file and calculates how to best present the data in a CSV file according to the structure / type of JSON data.
Our team has put a lot of effort into refining and expanding the engine in order to provide a quality result for our users and customers.
This conversion engine is used as the core in our online conversion utility, our downloadable desktop software and our API.
Over the years, we expanded our set of data tools to include an XML to CSV converter, a CSV to JSON converter and loads of other integrations (including Excel, Google Spreadsheets, MySQL, SQL Server and others).
We offer advanced tools to our valued subscribers including desktop software and other features.
We strive to make every one of our customers happy so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or suggestions.