Follow these easy steps and (within a few minutes), you will be able to view all of your Instagram data in a spreadsheet (such as Excel). Extract information related to your:
Request your Instagram data from your account. You just need to enter your Instagram Credentials and Instagram will email you a copy of all of your data (usually within a few minutes).
Once you receive the email, download your data to your device somewhere.
(You will receive a ZIP file which contains a bunch of JSON text files)
Upload the same ZIP file to our JSON to CSV Converter.
(your data will be converted in seconds)
Click the Download button to save the CSV results (after the file has been converted) on your device.
(The CSV files will actually be bunched inside a ZIP file)
Extract the CSV files from the ZIP file you just downloaded
Open your CSV files up in Excel
(or Open Office)
Tweet about what you have just achieved...and: